Counselling Code

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering functions with the prime goal of imparting sound and proper mix of theory and practical courses in the fundamentals and recent technological developments of mechanical engineering and allied disciplines so that the students get good opportunities in industries and higher education.

The other objectives of the department are: promotion of research and development activities, providing consultancy services to the Industries and conducting continuing education programs.



To provide a world class Mechanical Engineering education through innovation and excellence in Teaching and Research.


To impart high quality technical education and prepare Mechanical Engineers with global knowledge of multi-disciplinary branches of Engineering and Technology. Inculcate in the students, the leadership qualities with ethical values and a spirit of team work. To interact with the industries for knowledge transfer in order to make the students deployable.

Engineering Knowledge
  • Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem Analysis
  • : Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/Development of Solutions
  • : Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct investigations of complex problems
  • : Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool Usage
  • Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society
  • Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability
  • Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and Teamwork
  • Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
Project Management and Finance
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long Learning
  • Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Sl No Seminars/Guest Lecturers/Workshops Date No. of participants Venue Speaker/Resource Person
1 Guest lecture on “ Advancement in CNC programming” 03.07.2017 62 Smart Class Er.N.Manivannan, Faculty-CNC programming, R.K.Metal Industry,Trichy-14
2 Guest lecture on “ Introduction to 3D printing ” 10.07.2017 119 Seminar Hall Er.M.Pugalenthi, Application Engineer, Cube Technologies,Chennai-17
3 Guest lecture on “ Industrial Automation and Robotics” 17.07.2017 59 Smart Class Er.Jijo Joseph, Sr.Application Engineer, Axis Global Automation,Coimbatore
4 Guest lecture on “ Powers to product” 24.07.2017 180 Seminar Hall Dr.V.Ananda Krishnan, Asst.Profesor/Prod dept, National Institute of Technology, Trichy-15
5 Guest lecture on “ Advances in Product modeling and Analysis” 31.07.2017 59 Smart Class Er.S.Somasundaram, Executive -Technical, C Cube Technologies, Trichy-2
6 Guest lecture on “ Technological Advancement of NDT” 07.08.2017 62 Smart Class Er.D.Shankar, Engineer-NDT service, Ever shine Institute of Testing and Training, Thillai nagar, Trichy-620 018.
7 Guest lecture on “ Advances in Material Testing” 21.08.2017 62 Seminar Hall Er.C.Ramasamy, Engineer-NDT services, A Plus –NDT, Trichy-620 002.
8 Guest lecture on “ Introduction of Automotive Technology” 28.08.2017 62 Smart Class Er.S.Xavier Jaganathan, General Manager, GOODWIN Motors, Padappai, Chennai-601 301.
9 Guest lecture on “ Advances in Non Destructive Testing ” 04.09.2017 62 Smart Class Er.C.Ramasamy Senior Engineer-NDT Service, A Plus NDT Services, Trichy-2
10 Guest lecture on “ Applications of Engineering Thermodynamics ” 11.09.2017 62 Seminar Hall Prof.N.Ramasubbhu, Asst.Professsor, Dept of Mechanical Engg, Government college of Engineering, Srirangam.Trichy
11 Guest lecture on “ Career Guidance to Engineers” 15.09.2017 62 Auditorium Er.S.Karruppa samy, Additional General Manager(Rtd), BHEL.Trichy.
12 Guest Lecture on “Design of Experiments” 42 Metrology Lab Dr.TTM.Kannan, Associate Professor
13 Guest Lecture on “’ Pressure vessel design for Mechanical Equipment” 28.12.2017 46 Smart class Er.S.Kanthimathinatahn, Structural Engineering Consultant
14 Technical Seminar 29.12.2017 58 Metrology lab IV year students Technical seminar Presentation (1-15)
15 Guest Lecture on “Rapid Prototyping and Additive manufacturing” 05.01.2018 58 Seminar Hall M.Ilayaperumal, Senior Engineer-RPT, TeklaAcademy, Madurai
16 Guest Lecture on “CNC Programming” 22.01.2018 64 Seminar Hall Dr.P.Hariharan, Professor & Head, Anna University, Chennai
17 Oneday Seminar on “Modern NDT Techniques" 19.01.2018 125 Seminar Hall Er.D.Shangar Ganesh, Level –II,NDT Engineer, Evershine Institute of Testing and Training, Trichy
Sl No Name of the Research Facility Research Opportunities
1 CNC Milling Milling process of various soft materials can be done by means of CNC and coding can be done.
2 CNC Lathe Conventional machining process like facing, turning can be done collectively for mass production and new type of coding can be used for lathe process.
3 Vertical Milling Machine Slot cutting process for various types of material can be done thus material properties can be found.
4 Universal Milling Machine Gear cutting process for various types of material can be done thus material properties can be found.
5 Gear Hobbing Machine Gear are commonly made from metal, plastic and wood although gear cutting is the substantial industry many metal and plastic gears are made without cutting by processes such as die casting or injection moulding.
6 Profile Projector Intrinsic surface part can be found by the profile projector and thus material surface can be found.
7 Rockwell Hardness Degree of hardness of material can be found.
8 Brinnell Hardness Degree of hardness of material can be found.
9 Tool Makers Microscope A toolmakers microscope is a measuring device that can be used to measure up to 1/100th of an mm. Length measurement in Cartesian and polar co- ordinates. Angle measurements of tools; threading tools punches and gauges, templates etc Thread measurements i.e., profile major and minor diameters, height of lead, thread
10 Universal Testing Machine (UTM) Tensile, compressive of the material can be clearly found.
11 Wind Tunnel Used in aerodynamic research to study the effects of air moving past solid objects.
12 Tool Dynamometers (Lathe / Milling/ Drilling Operations) Used to measure various forces acting on the various operations involved in Lathe, Milling Machine, Drilling Machines.
Sl No Name of the Software Specification
1 AUTOCAD 2006 AutoCAD is a commercial software application for 2D and 3D computer aided design and drafting.
2 Pro-E (PTC CREO) Pro/engineer is a 3D CAD/CAM/CAE feature based associate solid modelling software.
3 SOLID EDGE SOLID EDGE is a solid modelling computer aided design and computer aided engineering compute program that runs on Microsoft windows.
4 CATIA Computer aided 3D interactive application firma dassaut systems, useful for effective in automotive and aerospace applications.
5 CNC Simulation CNC Machine Simulation detects collisions and near-misses between all machine tool components such as axis slides, heads, turrets, rotary tables, spindles, tool changers, fixtures, work pieces, cutting tools, and other user-defined objects.
6 NASTRAN NASTRAN Mechanical software is a comprehensive finite element analysis (FEA) tool for structural analysis, including linear, nonlinear, dynamic, hydrodynamic and explicit studies. It provides a complete set of elements behaviour, material models and equation solvers for a wide range of mechanical design problems.
7 Design Expert Design–Expert is a statistical software package from Stat-Ease Inc. that is specifically dedicated to performing design of experiments (DOE). Design–Expert offers comparative tests, screening, characterization, optimization, robust parameter design, mixture designs and combined designs. Design–Expert provides test matrices for screening up to 50 factors. Statistical significance of these factors is established with analysis of variance (ANOVA). Graphical tools help identify the impact of each factor on the desired outcomes and reveal abnormalities in the data.
8 EDGE CAM EDGE CAM comprehensive set of predefined tool paths including contour, drill, pocketing, face, peel mill, engraving, surface high speed, advanced multiaxis, and many more—enable machinists to cut parts efficiently and accurately. Users can create and cut parts using one of many supplied machine and control definitions, or they can use EDGE CAM advanced tools to create their own customized definitions.
9 Mini Tab Minitab is a software package that helps you to analyse data. Analyzing data is an important part of Six Sigma (but it's not the whole story!), particularly in the Measure and Analyse phases of DMAIC. Minitab provides a quick, effective solution for the level of analysis required in most Six Sigma projects.
10 Mat Laba MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language. A proprietary programming language developed by Math Works, MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++, Java, Fortran and Python.
Sl No Place Planning Date
1 Ship yard- Port trust –Cochin – Kerala 08.09.2018 to 9.09.2017
Sl No Name Of The Student Year Activity
1 C. Sriram III Participated in Zonal level Batmiiten Competition


Er.S.Soma sundaram deliver the lecture of Advances of Modeling
Er.Jijo Joseph
Sr.Application Engineer

Axis Global Automation, Coimbatore

Mechanical Student Association Inauguration 2017-2018
Chief Guest: Dr.M.A.Muthu Manickam

Scientist – F, CVRTE, Chennai.

Mr.Maniam Ramasamy

Jothi Malleable Industry, Trichy.

Engineer’s Day Prize winners
IEI –Chairman, Secretary and Faculty of IEI-BHEL

Prize winners of IEI – Engineers day Competition
Correspondent, Principal & HOD


Guest lecture on “ Advancement in CNC programming”
Faculty-CNC programming

R.K.Metal Industry,Trichy-14

Guest lecture on “ Introduction to 3D printing ”
Application Engineer

Cube Technologies, Chennai-17

Guest lecture on “Industrial Automation and Robotics”
Er.Jijo Joseph
Sr.Application Engineer

Axis Global Automation, Coimbatore

Guest lecture Topic on: “Powders to Product“
Dr.V.Ananda Krishnan
Asst.Professor/Prod Dept

National Institute of Technology, Trichy -15

Guest lecture on “ Advances in Material Testing”
Engineer-NDT service

A Plus –NDT,Trichy-620 002

Guest lecture on “ Introduction of Automotive Technology”
Er.S.Xavier Jaganathan
General Manager

GOODWIN Motors, Padappai, Chennai-601 301.

Guest lecture on “Advances in Non Destructive Testing ”
Engineer-NDT service

A Plus –NDT, Trichy-620 002.

Guest lecture on “ Applications of Engineering Thermodynamics ”
Asst.Prof, Mechanical Engg.

Government college of Engineering, Srirangam, Trichy.

Guest Lecture on “ Career Guidance to Engineers”

Additional General Manager(Rtd), BHEL.Trichy-14

Guest lecture on “ Technological Advancement of NDT”
Engineer-NDT service

Ever shine Institute of Testing and Training, Thillai nagar, Trichy-620 018

Guest lecture on “Design of Experiment”

Guest lecture on “Pressure vessel design for Mechanical equipment”

Technical Seminar –Final year Mechanical

Er.D.Shangar Ganesh Delivered lecture of NDT Techniques

Hands on training of Liquid penetrating test

Hands on training of Ultrasonic Testing

Hands on Training on Radiography test

Dr.P.Hariharan delivered topic on CNC programming

Er.Ilaya perumal delivered topic on Rapid prototyping

Mech Dept students attended workshop on E –Sep

E –Sep Certificates received from PSNA Engg college